Word DECLARE → Meaning, examples, synonyms & antonyms • GuessWrong

Word DECLARE: meanings, synonyms & antonyms


🇺🇸 [dɪˈklɛr]


To make a formal statement or announcement, often with authority or emphasis. It can refer to public proclamations, legal declarations, or official announcements made by individuals or governments. Declaring something can also involve affirming a position, a state of affairs, or an opinion in a way that is clearly stated and intended to be recognized by others.


  • The president declared a state of emergency after the natural disaster.
  • He declared his candidacy for the upcoming election.
  • The teacher declared that the class would be canceled tomorrow.
  • She declared her love for him in front of the crowd.
  • The company declared bankruptcy last year.


announce • proclaim • state


conceal • deny • withhold