Word DEFENCE → Meaning, examples, synonyms & antonyms • GuessWrong

Word DEFENCE: meanings, synonyms & antonyms


🇺🇸 [dɪˈfɛns]


The action of defending or protecting something or someone from harm, attack, or danger. It can refer to both physical defense, such as military defense, and metaphorical defense, such as defending one’s rights, beliefs, or reputation. Defence is an essential concept in security, law, and sport.


  • The country strengthened its defense in response to rising tensions.
  • She made a strong defense of her thesis during the presentation.
  • The team's defense was impenetrable during the game.
  • He set up an excellent defense against the accusations.
  • The lawyer's defense helped her client avoid conviction.


protection • safeguard • shield


attack • offense • assault