Word DEFINITION → Meaning, examples, synonyms & antonyms • GuessWrong

Word DEFINITION: meanings, synonyms & antonyms


🇺🇸 [ˌdɛfɪˈnɪʃən]


A statement that explains the meaning of a word, phrase, or concept. It is a description that clarifies the essential characteristics or properties of something, allowing for better understanding and communication. Definitions are critical in establishing the scope and context of terms in both everyday language and specialized fields.


  • The definition of 'freedom' can vary from person to person.
  • She struggled to understand the definition of the complex word.
  • In the dictionary, the definition of 'justice' is outlined in detail.
  • His definition of success involved more than just money.
  • The definition of the term 'sustainability' changes depending on the field.


explanationmeaning • interpretation


misinterpretation • confusion • ambiguity