Word DELIBERATE → Meaning, examples, synonyms & antonyms • GuessWrong

Word DELIBERATE: meanings, synonyms & antonyms


🇺🇸 [dɪˈlɪbəreɪt]


To do something intentionally and with careful thought. A deliberate action or decision is made after careful consideration, often with the purpose of achieving a specific result. It can also describe actions that are slow, unhurried, and measured.


  • He made a deliberate choice to invest in the new technology.
  • The committee deliberated for hours before making a decision.
  • She gave a deliberate pause before answering the difficult question.
  • His deliberate approach to problem-solving is highly effective.
  • The deliberate movements of the dancer captivated the audience.


intentional • purposeful • calculated


accidental • unplanned • hasty