Word DEPRESSED → Meaning, examples, synonyms & antonyms • GuessWrong

Word DEPRESSED: meanings, synonyms & antonyms


🇺🇸 [dɪˈprɛst]


Experiencing a state of sadness or unhappiness, often involving feelings of hopelessness, low energy, and a lack of motivation. It can refer to both temporary emotional states as well as clinical conditions such as depression, which may require professional treatment.


  • She felt depressed after hearing the bad news.
  • The long winter season made many people feel depressed.
  • He has been struggling with a depressed mood for months.
  • Depressed individuals often withdraw from social activities.
  • The weather can have a significant impact on how people feel depressed during the colder months.


sad • downcast • mournful


happycheerful • joyful