Word DESPERATE → Meaning, examples, synonyms & antonyms • GuessWrong

Word DESPERATE: meanings, synonyms & antonyms


🇺🇸 [ˈdɛspərət]


Feeling a sense of hopelessness or urgency, often due to a difficult or critical situation. Desperation may lead to extreme or irrational behavior as individuals search for a solution. It can also describe a willingness to take risks due to a lack of alternatives.


  • She was desperate to find a solution to the problem before the deadline.
  • He made a desperate attempt to win back his lost money.
  • They were in a desperate situation with no way to escape.
  • The team was desperate for a win after losing the last five games.
  • The family was desperate for help after their house was damaged in the storm.


hopeless • urgent • frantic


hopeful • calmrelaxed